Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed Ahmed Orabi
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mohamed Orabi
Birth date : 19/5/1961
Place of birth : Sohag
Activities : Drawing
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts , Painting Department 1984 .
- MA in Painting, Faculty of Fine Arts, Helwan University 1991 .
- PhD of Philosohy in Painting, Faculty of Fine Arts , Zamalek 1996 .
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists 71/m , Painting .
- Member of Cairo Atelier .
- Member of Asala association .
- Member of Editor authority of New eras magazine .
- Member of the Supreme authority of beautifaction Sohag .
- Member of Hertiage and Palace Committe in Qena .
- Lecturer in Faculty of Fine Arts - Menia University 1985 .
- Assistant instructor in Painting department , Faculty of Fine Arts , Menia University 1991 .
- Visitor researcher in Washington University 1994 .
- Instructor of Drawing and Painting in Faculty of Fine Arts , Menia University 1996 .
- Delegated to work in Faculty of Fine Arts , South Valley University , Luxor 2000 .
- Assistant instructor in Painting Department , Faculty of Fine Arts , Menia University 2003 .
- Deputy of Faculty of Fine Arts , South Valley University , Luxor .
Places of interest
- Cairo .
- Qena .
Solo shows
- At Guhania Culture Palace , Sohag 1984 .
- At Cairo Atelier 1987,1995 .
- In Washintgon DC , America 1995 .
- At Damscus gallery , Syria 1996 .
- At gallery of Geothe institute , Alexandria 1996 .
- At Fine Arts Museum , Washington State University , United States of America 1996.
- Exhibition entitle ` Painting values of White and Black) , Menia Culture Palace 1999.
- Exhibition `Comu - Painting` at Cairo Atelier 1999 .
Local exhibitions
- 15 May competition of Alumni of Specialized faculties 1984 .
- 15th General exhibition of Fine Arts 1985 .
- Exhibition of Helwan University and Sports and Youth association 1986 .
- In Faculty of Fine Arts , Menia 1987 .
- Desert competition , Nile gallery - Cairo 1988 .
- 2nd, 3rd and 4th Youth Salon 1990,1991,1992 .
- Collective exhibition at Khan Al-Maghraby gallery - Zamalek - Cairo 1996 .
- At Khan Al-Magraby gallery , Zamalek 1997 .
- Collective exhibition at gallery of Faculty of Fine Arts - Luxor 1998 .
- Painting exhibition in Faculty of Fine Arts , Luxor 2002 .
International exhibitions
- Exhibition of the Egyptian Youth artists , France 1985 .
- 19th Alexandria Biennale 1997 .
- Supervison on beautifcation Sohag city .
- Nile monument in Opera square 2002 .
- Mubarak achievements in the General garden 2002 .
- Information mural 2002-2003 .
- Design Mural painting works in Qena .
- Mural of my lord Abdel Rahim Al-Qenawy .
- Mural `Qena between Past and Future` Dandara .
Local and international Who's Who
- Encyclopedia of Youth Salon , part 1, prepared by Prof/ Sobhy Al-Sharouny 1994, produced by Fine Arts Sector .
Publications and activities
- Supervision on many thesis (MA and PhD) .
Local recognition
- 2nd prize , Painting, 15 May competition - The Supreme Council of Sports and Youth 1983,1984 .
- 1st prize , Painting , Alumni of the Specialized faculties - The Supreme Council of Sports and Youth 1982 .
- The Golden medal in Graphic and Drawing , The Scientific conference of Faculty of Fine Arts , Menia University 1989 .
- Painting prize in 3rd Youth Salon 1991 .
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt, Italy, England , Spain , Netherlands, France , America .
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art , Cairo .
- Museum of Faculty of Fine Arts , Menia .
- Sports and Youth system .
- Museum of the Modern Art , Port Said .