Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy
Personal Data
Birth date : 2/11/1956
Activities : Architecture
Email : ,

- Graduated from the German Secondary school , Cairo
- BA of Architecure - Faculty of Fine Arts 1979
- Member of Engineers Syndicate
- Member of Nile Rayn Rortary Club
- General manager and acting partner of Alamia company of Advertisment and publication since its begining in 1980 till now
- Chairman of Alamia company of roads advertismemt
- Founder of Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy, Zamalek
Local exhibitions
- Al-Sakia Festival of the Cultural services from 2003 till 2009
- Montly puppets show at Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy Cultural wheel
- 1st Salon gallery 2007
- 2nd Salon gallery at Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy Cultural wheel 2008