Curriculum Vitae
Marwa Mohamed Mustafa Amier
Personal Data
Fame Name : Marwa Mustafa
Birth date : 21/5/1981
Place of birth : Saudi Arabia
Activities : Ceremics
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Specific Education, Department of Art Education,Cairo University 2002
- MA in Art Education , Ceramics, Faculty of Specific Education 2007
- preliminary PhD (Ceramics) 2008
- Lecturer in Faculty of Specific Education, Cairo University from 2003:2007
- Assistant instructor in Faculty of Specific Education, Cairo University since 2007 till now
Places of interest
- Saudi Arabia
- Cairo
Local exhibitions
- Participated in three Collective exhibitions at Al-Sharaa gallery in Faculty of Specific Education 1998,1999,2000
- Collective exhibition at the Main hall in Cairo University 2001
- Art exhibition of July revolution at the National party 2001
- Collective exhibition at gallery of Mubarak gallery library 2002
- Exhibition of High studies at Taief gallery in Faculty of Specific Education 2005
- Rateb Sedek competition at Cairo Atelier 2007
-48th Pioneers exhibition at association of Fine Arts lovers 2008
- The private exhibition at Art and Mass forum at Cairo Atelier 2008
- 1st Sakia Salon of Mini works of Art in Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy 2009
-8th Port Said National Biennale at Al-Nasr museum of Modern Art and Mubarak General library , Port Said, March 2009
- Exhibition of Teaching staff and their assistants at Taief gallery in Faculty of Specific Education
Publications and activities
- Workshop in Cairo University 2003
- Workshop (Sculpture) for one day with (20) student, March 2006
- Workshop of Art and Mass forum 2007
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit from the National party of the participationin July revolution exhibition 2001
- Certificate of Merit from Mubarak General library for the participation in exhibition among events of Reading for all festival 2002
- Certificate of Merit from Faculty of Science, Cairo University 2003
- Certificate of Merit from Faculty of Specific Education for the participation among events of the 1st Scientific conference of the Faculty of Specific Education and society improvement