Curriculum Vitae
Tamer Al-Said Hassan Khadr
Personal Data
Fame Name : Tamer Khadr
Birth date : 11/1/1986
Place of birth : Daqahalia
Activities : Ceremics
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Specific Education, Mansoura University 2007
- Member of Mansoura Atelier
- Member of association of Fine arts lovers
Places of interest
- Daqahalia
Local exhibitions
Exhibitions of Faculty of Specific Education, Maniet Al-Nasr, Mansoura University 2003,2004
- Exhibition at Faculty of Specific Education,Mansoura University 2005,2006
- Competition of the National council of Youth 2007
- Exhibition of syndicate friends of syndicate of Fine artists in Mansoura 2006-2007-2008
-48th Pioneers exhibition , association of Fine arts lovers 2008
- At Mansoura Culture palace 2009
International exhibitions
- International sculpture symposium, Monoufia University 2007
Local recognition
-1st position (Ceramics) exhibition of Youth of universities week in Mansoura University 2005
- 1st position in Competition of the National council of Youth 2007