Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed Al-Maghraby
Personal Data
Birth date : 16/5/1985
Activities : Ceremics

- BA of Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University .
- Member of Syndicate of Fine artists .
Solo shows
- At Aviation Sporting Club 1994 .
- Exhibition of Ceramics products entitle` Arts gate` , Heliopolis .
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of Gazabia Serry 1994,1995
- At Hours gallery in Faculty of Art Education, Zamalek 1993, 1994
- 10th Youth Salon 1998
- Exhibition of Sports and Youth (Ceramics) 1998
- At the Islamic market in Old Egypt
- 5th Pottery forum in Qena - the General authority of Culture palaces 2003
- Decor and Interior architecture in Cairo .
Private collection
- At art lovers .
State collection
- The Egyptian National Bank (Thawra branch) , Cairo .
- Aviation Sporting Club .