Curriculum Vitae
Dina Khalil Mohamed Fadel
Personal Data
Birth date : 24/4/1982
Activities : Painting
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- Studies after the British Secondary school in Arts , Graphic and Multimedia 2000
- BA of Faculty of Arts and Marketing - The American University , Cairo 2005
Local exhibitions
- Participated in Youth Salon in the American University, Cairo 2008
- Exhibitions with different groups 2001,2002,2003,2004
- Exhibitions of Ministry of Youth 2001,2002,2003,2004
- 3rd Festival of Fine creation (20th Youth Salon 2009)
Local recognition
- Best Fine artist of Lagaria competition , the American University, Cairo 2002
- 2nd prize in competition of Ministry of Youth 2003
- Prize of best design, the American University, Cairo 2004
- Special prize of best student in celebration in the American University, Cairo