Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed Ramadan Hassan Abdo
Personal Data
Birth date : 26/6/1985
Activities : Graphic - Print
Email :¡
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- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts, Graphic department, Menia University .
- Lecturer in Faculty of Fine Arts, Graphic department , Menia University
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of Spring Salon at Menia Culture Palace 2006 .
- Exhibition of Arts fairs in Faculty of Fine Arts, Menia University 2004,2005 .
- Exhibition of the Silver jubilee of Faculty of Fine Arts , Menia University .
- 3rd Festival of Fine creation (20th Youth Salon 2009) .
Publications and activities
- Participated in prints workshop related to the Silver jubilee of Faculty of Fine Arts , Menia University
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit (Drawing) from Spring Salon , Menia Culture Palace 2006 .
Private collection
- At many artists .
State collection
- Menia University .