Curriculum Vitae
Al-Said Mohamed Al-Zohairy
Personal Data
Fame Name : Al-Said Al-Zohairy
Birth date : 28/10/1959
Place of birth : Daqahalia
Activities : Painting
Email :

- Diploma of Teachers , Art Education section 1981
- BA of Faculty of Art Education 1985
- Member of Teachers Syndicate
- Member of Syndicate of Fine artists in Mansoura, Cairo
- Founder member of Akhenaton association - Dakrines - Daqahalia
-Teacher of Art Education , Aly Mubarak Secondary School
- Guide of Art Education
Places of interest
- Daqahalia (Dakrines)
- Cairo
- Saudi Arabia
Solo shows
- Participated in many exhibitions since 1981 till 2008 like:
- At Akhenaton gallery 1981,1982,1983,1984,1985
- Exhibition (Ceramics between Present and Past) , Faculty of Art Education 1983
- Exhibition (The Egyptian countryside between orginiality and contemporary) - painting in Youth centers 1991
- Exhibition ` Works from environment` - Saudi Arabia 1993
-Exhibition of Islamic hertiage - Painting 1994
Local exhibitions
- The General exhibition of Teachers 1981
- Exhibition of Akhenaton association 1981
- Exhibition of Mass culture palace 1983
- Akhenaton exhibition from 1982 till 1987
- Exhibitions of Art Education in Schools and Educational administrations , and the General exhibition of Art Education
- The participation in the National celebrations of governate in the exhibition that organized by the Syndicate in Mansoura
- Exhibition of 1st Mansoura Atelier 2008
International exhibitions
- Two exhibitions in Saudi Arabia 1992,1994
- Prepare and design Flowers carriage of the National feast of governate
Local recognition
- 1st position on the level of the Republic from the General exhibition of Teachers 1981
Private collection
- Ceramics acquistions at artist/ Osama Farag
- Painting in Saudi Arabia