Curriculum Vitae
Nadia Wahdan Ahmed Ibrahim
Personal Data
Birth date : 1/7/1977
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Drawing
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- BA of Faculty of Art Education , Art Education department - Helwan University 2001
- MA in Art Education , Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 2006
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Lecturer in Drawing and Painting department , Faculty of Art Education , Helwan University 2001
Assistant instructor in Drawing and Painting department , Faculty of Art Education , Helwan University 2006
Places of interest
- Cairo
Local exhibitions
- Participated in Pioneers competition in Faculty of Art Education, Prof. Kamel Ghandr (Drawing) 1999
- Collective exhibitions in Helwan University 1998,1999,2000
- Participated in Pioneers competition in Faculty of Art Education , Prof, Ghazabia Serry - Oil Painting 2001
-1st and 2nd exhibition of Art works in Faculty of Art Education 2004,2005
- Exhibition ` Children workshop of Free studies , Summer 2004 and Summer 2005
- Participated in Oil painting course among programe of rehabilitation Youth alumni in co-operation with Ministry of Military production 2006
Publications and activities
- Participated in events of 8th Scientific conference ( Art Education and development the Arab child) from 20/4:22/4/2002
- Participated in teaching Children workshop of Free studies, Summer 2004, Summer 2005
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit from 6 October University (among celebrations events of passing 50 years on 6 october war 1997
- Certificate of Merit - Art Education Section - Faculty of Art Eduction 2000,2001
- Certificate of Merit from Faculty of Art Education 2001,2002
- Prize of Prof. Abdel Ghani Al-Shal - Helwan University 2001
- Prize of Prof. Bothania Abdel Gawad - Helwan University 2001
Private collection
-At art lovers in Egypt , Italy