Curriculum Vitae
Salah Al-Dien Al-Leithy Ibrahim
Personal Data
Fame Name : Salah Al-Leithy
Birth date : 28/7/1923
Place of birth : Cairo
Date of death : 4/9/1983
Activities : Caricature
Email :

- Free studies in Faculty of Fine Arts, Cairo 1950
- High Diploma in Fine Arts academy , Arts and decoration department - Rome - Italy , June 1954
- Diploma from Engraving and Medal School, August 1954
- The newspapers and magazines where he worked inside Egypt:
- Painter in the Egyptian advertising company from 1954 till 1957 (Employee)
- Al-Gomharia , Painter and editor 1954:1982 - Roselyoussef organization (employee) , Painter and editor 1962:1983
- Painter in Sabah Al-Khier magazine (employee) 1962 till 1983
- Painter in Dar Al-Helal organization 1972
- Painter in Al-Shaab newspaper
- Painter in Al-Wadi magazine ( Egyptian - Sudan) published from Roselyoussef organization 1982
- The newspapers and magazines outside Egypt:
- Painter in the Egyptian advertising company (Syria) 1957:1961
- Painter in Ministry of Culture and Information (Libya) 1972:1973
- The General organization of Television and Broadcast , Art expert 1977:1978
-Magazine (23 July) London - Painter 1978:1979
- Newspaper `Gulf` - AL-Sharqa - Painter 1980:1981
- Magazine `Doha` - Painter 1982:1983
- Caricarist
- Journalist
- Writer
Places of interest
- Italy
- France
- Iraq
- Libya
- Emirates
- England
- Scholarship from Ministry of Education and Teaching for complementary study in Luxor and Cairo of Alumni of Free department in Faculty of Fine Arts , Cairo
- Make many journalists missions during his works in Roselyoussef magazine like:
Damscus and Baghdad for 20 days 15-6-1975
- Italy for 15 days 6-1-1977
Publications and activities
- Some books and articles:
Book ` Caricature` - series of the Golden book `Roselyoussef 1974
-Research - Magazine of Arab arts , Iraq 1983
Local recognition
- Mukhtar prize 1948,1949,1950,1951
-Studio prize of Faculty of Fine Arts , Cairo 1950
International recognition
- Prize of Bary exhibition of University culture - Italy 1955