Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed Ashraf Ahmed Reda
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ashraf Reda
Birth date : 3/3/1960
Place of birth : Al-Gharabia
Activities : Decor
Email :
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- BA of Faculty of Fine arts, Decor department 1982 .
- MA in Fine arts, Decor 1993 .
- PhD of Philosophy in Fine arts 2000 .
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists .
- Board member of the International association of Advertisment .
- Assistant professor in Faculty of Fine Arts , Cairo .
- Head of A R publication group of Advertisment and print , Cairo .
Places of interest
- Cairo .
Local exhibitions
- Participated in many collective exhibitions in Faculty of Fine Arts .
- Many exhubitions in Syndicate of Fine artists .
-Member of the Egyptian print industries chamber
- Member of the Egyptian industries Union
Publications and activities
- Wrote more than 30 book about studies of the Historical palaces , Geizira palace in Egypt
Local recognition
- Got more than 40 Regional and International prize between ( Golden, Silver, Bronze)
State collection
- The touristic hotels in Egypt and Middle East