Curriculum Vitae
Radwa Arafa Abdel Wahab Mohamed
Personal Data
Fame Name : Radwa Arafa
Birth date : 8/4/1989
Place of birth : Bani Swief
Activities : Painting

- Student in Faculty of Science House - Fayum University
Local exhibitions
- Joint exhibitions at Bani Swief Culture Palace
- Collective exhibition at Al-Hamam village - Nasser Center - Bani Swief 2006
- 3rd Exhibition of Friends of Spontaneous art - Taha Hussien Museum - Giza 2007
- Exhibition of Fine Arts related to Families festival in the university 2008
-4th Exhibition of friedns of Spontaneous art 2008
Local recognition
- Golden medal - 1st position on Bani Swief governorate 2003
- Golden medal - 1st position on Bani Swief governorate 2004
- 3rd Position on Bani Swief governorate 2006
- Memorial medal from Taha Hussien Museum 2007
- 1st prize on the university university in Family festival 2008
- Many certificates of Merit