Curriculum Vitae
Al-Said Abdel Zaher Ahmed Fadl
Personal Data
Fame Name : Said Fadl
Birth date : 27/12/1950
Place of birth : West Aswan
Activities : Sculpture
Email :

Commercial Secondary diploma
Free running technician
- Spontaneous fine artist
Places of interest
- Cairo
- Giza
- Aswan
Solo shows
- At Aswan Culture Palace 1997,2007
Local exhibitions
- Joint ambulant exhibition at Aswan Culture Palace 1997
- Joint exhibition in occasion of ( Aswan National Feast) at Aswan Culture Palace 1997
- Joint exhibition in occasion of ( Environment Global day) West Aswan village 1998
- 4th Port Said Biennale at Port Said Culture Palace 1998
- Joint exhibition at the National party in Aswan 1999 -2002
- Festival of Fine Arts , Ministry of Sports and Youth , Aswan 2005
- At the Spanish Cultural Center , Cairo
- Competition of Talents Day , Aswan Culture Palace
- Joint exhibition at Aswan Cataract Hotel
- Joint exhibition in Aswan Operoi Hotel 2004
- Joint exhibition (Aswan National Feast) at the National party in Aswan
International exhibitions
- Alexandria International symposium in sculpture in Natural materials , Alexandria Library , July 2008
Local recognition
- 1st position , exhibition about smoking and addiction at Aswan Culture palace
- 1st position about terrorism in Ministry of Sports and Youth 1999
- 1st position (Sculpture) abou competition of the talents day at Aswan Culture palace
- 1st position (Sculpture) the Global day of fighting addiction at Conferences gallery , Aswan
- Certificate of Merit for his efforts in Fine art from Aswan Culture Palace , January 1998
- Certificate of Merit for his efforts in Sculpture from Aswan Culture Palace , October 2005
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt, America, some European countries and some embassies
State collection
- Alexandria Library
- California University
- council of ministers
The spontaneous artists in the inauguration of the festival of Aswan
- The activities of the large festival started at the celebration of the passing of 100 years since the establishment of Egypt`s oldest hotels - the old kataract in Aswan.This festival chose the various kinds of fine arts to be the core of its program - it presents its shows till the coming march. Antwan Logono - the general manager - says that these shows are under the auspices of Acour Egypt corporation to which this hotel is affiliated. And we chose it to shed light upon the Nopian as well as the Egyptian heritage for the prvious 100 years. We also chose Kubel corporation for architectural works to adobt this festival at this period. And through which we can say that the Egyptian art has not stopped for 3000 years - but it is continous and developing - thus we chose this collection which can present to the hotel`s guest this development and improvement.These works are connected to the Aswanian environment..
- The artist Sayed Abd el- Zaher is a ..from al madab village - southern Aswan.He was interested in the pharonic shapes since his childhood. But only since 3 years - he became attracted to the trees` trunks espicially those that were cut - uprooted - and pieces of broken wood -as he refines and shapes them. He has presented a collection of his works made out of acacia and lebbek - the strongest kinds of wood - and he burns them with fire. His works carries expressional values through faces` countenances and costumes - he also adds to them some Nopian accessories.

Mohammed Naser
Al Ahram Newspaper - October 1999