Curriculum Vitae
Waheed Mahmoud Makhaimier
Personal Data
Fame Name : Waheed Makhaimier
Birth date : 30/9/1953
Place of birth : Qaliuobia
Activities : Painting
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts , Painting department - Helwan University 1977
- BA pf the High Institute of Cinema 1982
- Member of Syndicate of Cinematic professions
-Member of Cairo Atelier
- Cinematic director and art producer in Malio print company from 1977:1983
- Art consulant of the National compagine of Minsitry of Health and population
- Director and co-ordinator of one founder of ART Station from 1993 :2001
Places of interest
- Cairo
- Vennia
- Rome
Solo shows
- In the Egyptian Club in Vennia 1976
- At Cairo Atelier 1979
- In the High Institute of Cinema 1979
- In the Spanish Cultural Center 1980,1981
- At Booby Washington gallery (D.C) 1981
- In the British Cultural Institute 1982
- At Cairo Atelier 1984
Local exhibitions
-10 th Spring exhibition 1978
- Exhibition of October festival 1979
- Market exhibition , Bab Al-Louq 1979
- Exhibition of the French Egyptian Youth 1979
- Exhibition of Cairo artists , Ain Shams University 1979
- The Summer exhibition in Heliopolis Club 1979
- The General exhibition 1979
- Al-Mahrousa nights , September 2008