Curriculum Vitae
Nabil Ahmed Al-Said Wahieeb
Personal Data
Fame Name : Nabil Waheeb
Birth date : 16/5/1947
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Painting
Email : ,

- BA of Arts and Education, Faculty of Art Education , Zamalek , Helwan University 1973
Teaching Art Education in the General education
- Teaching Islamic decorations
- Head of Fine Arts section , Ismalia Arts Center
Places of interest
- Cairo
- Ismalia
- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Amman Sultante
- Emirates State
Solo shows
- Annual exhibition of private works at gallery of Ismalia Arts Center
Local exhibitions
- In the French Cultural Center , Cairo
- At Ismalia Culture Palace
- At Ismalia Arts Center
International exhibitions
- 4 exhibitions at Al-Zahaira area, Amman Sultante
- Supervison on many exhibitions held in Ismalia Arts Center
- Supervison on the Annual exhibitions on the level of Ismalia
Local recognition
- Monetary prizes and Certificates of Merit
Private collection
- At arts lovers
State collection
- Ismalia governorate
- Ismalia Arts Center