Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed M.Shawky
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mohamed Shawky
Birth date : 1/8/
Place of birth : Al-Qalioubia
Activities : Painting
Email :
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- BA of Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University
- High studies diploma from Helwan University
- MA in Sculpture, Faculty of Art Education
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Graphic designer in Al-Ahram newspaper from 1992:1996
- Graphic designer in Al-Gomharia newspaper 1997
- Graphic designer in the Egyptian company of Advertisment and Propaganda 1997
- Graphic designer in Gambo graphic company from 1998 -2000
- Web designer in Tag company of systems 2000
- Graphic designer in IFAO
- Designer in Pink advertising company
- Art director in Akeed advertising company
- Currently photographer

Local exhibitions
- In Faculty of Art Education
- Collective exhibition of Prof. Gazabia Serry
Private collection
- At art lovers in France