Curriculum Vitae
Ayman Ali Ali Gowda
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ayman Gowda
Birth date : 18/5/1966
Place of birth : Gharbya
Activities : Ceramic
Email :,

- Graduated in Ceramic Department of the Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University, 1989.
- MA in applied arts, 1996.
- Ph.D. in ceramic, Faculty of Applied Arts, 2000.
- Member of the Fine Artists Association, 3228 / 127.
- Active member at the Applied Artists Association.
- Member of Teachers Syndicate.
- Assistant instructor at Ceramic Department of the Faculty of Applied Arts, 1997.
- Instructor at Ceramic Department of the Faculty of Applied Arts.
- Assistant professor at Ceramic Department of the Faculty of Applied Arts, 2005.
Places of interest
- Gharbya.
- Sharqya.
- Giza.
- Cairo.
Solo shows
- Exhibition at Zamalek Arts Center -1996.
- Joint show with artist Sayed Qandeel - at Zamalek Arts Center - 1998.
- Zamalek Arts Center -1999.
- Gezira arts Center - 2001, 2003 .
Local exhibitions
- Participated in most national exhibitions in Egypt.
- May Art Competition - 1988 - 1989.
- The 21st National Art Exhibition -1990.
- The Youth Salon - from third to twelfth session - 1991 to 2000.
- The 25th - 26th - 27th National Art Exhibition - 1997 - 1999 - 2001.
- The 1st - 2nd - 3rd - 4th Salon of Mini Works of Art - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000.
- The 3rd Pottery Symposium in March 2001.The 6th Port Said Biennale - 2003.
- The 29th National Art Exhibition - 2005.
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation ` General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair` 2007.
- 2nd Festival of Fine creation (31st General exhibition) 2008.
- Exhibition entitle`Ewer....Contemporary ceramics`at Saad Zaghloul Cultural Center - February 2009.
International exhibitions
- The 1st Cairo International Triennale for Ceramic - 1992.
- The 2nd - 3rd - 4th - 5th - 6th Cairo International Biennale for Ceramic - 1994 - 1996 - 1998 - 2000 - 2002.
- The 1st Korea International Biennale for Ceramic - 2001.
- The 2nd Korea International Biennale for Ceramic - 2003.
Local recognition
- Third prize (repeated) in ceramic from the 3rd Youth Salon - 1991.
- Encouraging prize in ceramic from the 4th Youth Salon - 1992.
- Top prize for ceramic from the Competition of the Supreme Council of Youth and Sports -1993.
- Third prize for ceramic from the 6th Youth Salon - 1994.
- Salon prize for ceramic from the 7th Youth Salon - 1995.
- Jury prize from the 9th Youth Salon - 1997.
- State Incentive Prize for Art Creation of Handicrafts - 2001.
- Top prize from the 6th Port Said Biennale - 2003.
International recognition
- Emeritus diploma from the 1st Korea International Biennale for Ceramic - 2001.
- Emeritus diploma from the 2nd Korea International Biennale for Ceramic - 2003.
- Emeritus diploma from the 6nd Korea International Biennale for Ceramic - 2011.
Private collection
- Among collections of art lovers in Egypt and abroad.
State collection
- Egypt Modern Art Museum in Cairo.