Curriculum Vitae
Ashraf Mustafa Mohamed Al-Batawy
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ashraf Al-Batawy
Birth date : 23/5/1966
Place of birth : Giza
Activities : Painting
Email :
Web Site :

- BA of Art Education
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Graphic Designer
- Marketing Manager of Al-Mouftaha Fine Village
Places of interest
- Egypt (Giza)
- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Solo shows
- At the National Party
Local recognition
- Certificate of Attendance workshop from the High Authority of Tourism
International recognition
- Certificate of Merit from Prince of the South area (Prince Faysal Ibn Khaled)
- Certificate of Thanks for supervison on workshop from Prince Sultan Ibn Salman Ibn Abdel Aziz
Private collection
At art lovers in Egypt and abroad