Curriculum Vitae
Mustafa Abdel Aziz Mashaaq
Personal Data
Birth date : 7/5/1947
Place of birth : Kafr Al-Sheikh
Activities : Painting

- BA of Faculty of Applied Arts 1972
- Researcher in Researches Center of the Traditional Arts related to the National Center of Fine Arts - Ministry of Culture
Places of interest
- The Egyptian countryside
-The Folk districts
- Italy - Iraq - Saudi Arabia
Solo shows
- Exhibitions in Saudi Arabia .
Local exhibitions
- The participation in the General exhibitions of Ministry of Culture .
International exhibitions
- 2nd Exhibition of Fine Arts - Damam 1994 .
Publications and activities
- Researches presented to researches Center of the Traditional arts entitle:
- The Joint features between Folk and Islamic Art .
-`Elements of the Islamic architecture
- Journey with the Arabic Letter .
- Towards Contemporary Hertiage Art .