Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed Al-Sayed Aggag
Personal Data
Fame Name : Aggag
Birth date : 5/9/1947
Place of birth : Gharbia
Activities : Ceremics

- PhD in Art Education- Pensilvania University- 1990.
- of ANSICA Ceramics society- USA.
- of the International Art education Society- USA.
- of the Fine Artists Syndicate- Cairo
- Assistant Professor of Ceramics- faculty of Teachers- Riyadh- KSA.
- Head of the Art Education Department- Faculty of Teachers- Oman Sultanate.
- Ceramics Professor- at the Faculty of Art Education- Helwan University and the Faculty of Specifice Education- Cairo University.
Solo shows
- 25 solo exhibitions for his works in Egypt and Abroad.
Local exhibitions
- many group exhibitions in Egypt and abroad.
Local recognition
- won many awards and certficates of merit
Private collection
- at art lovers in Egypt and abroad.
State collection
- General Managment of The Youth Care- KSA.
- Bahrin National Museum- Manama.
- Palmar Museum.
- The Art and Archaeology- Philadelphia- USA.
- Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Education- Cairo