Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed M.Roshdy Al-Mounir
Personal Data
Birth date : 28/1/1955
Place of birth : Al-Gharbia
Activities : Drawing
Email :

- BA of Fine Arts - Cairo - Graphic Department 1978
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Teaching staff in Faculty of Fine Arts - Graphic Department - Cairo
Local exhibitions
- Participated in most Local Collective exhibitions since 1977 till 1992 .
- All sessions of the General National exhibition 1991 .
- Exhibition of Association of the Contemporary Engraving .
- The participation in May exhibitions since 1977 .
International exhibitions
- The participation exhibitions in Canada - Greece - Rome - Germany - Japan - Masscat .
- 1st African Biennale of Fine Arts 1992 .
Local recognition
- Encouragement prize - 15 May exhibition 1977 .
- 3rd prize - 15 May exhibition 1978 .
- Encouragement prize - 15 May exhibition 1979 .
- Certificate of Merit from the French Cultural Center .
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt and abroad .
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art .
- 6 October Panorama .
- Cairo International Conferences Center .