Curriculum Vitae
Taher Helmy Abbass Amien
Personal Data
Fame Name : Taher Helmy
Birth date : 23/11/1968
Place of birth : Giza
Activities : Photography
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- BA of Art Education - Faculty of Specify Education -Painting Department - Cairo University 1993
- MA of Specify Education in Art Education - Painting Section - Cairo University 2006
- International Cambridge Diploma
- Lecturer in Painting Department - Faculty of Specify Education - Dokki - Cairo University from 1994 till 1995
- Instructor of Decoration Design in Abdullah Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah Secondary from September 1996 till now
Places of interest
- Egypt - Kuwait
Solo shows
- At Arts gallery - The National Party - Giza 1990
- At New Arts gallery - Al-Wafaa Club - Haram 1991
- At Youth camp - Geliem - Alexandria 1992
- At Arts gallery - The National Party - Giza 1994
- Joint exhibition with Artist Prof/ Adel Hassan at Fine Arts gallery -Giza rowing Club 1996
- Exhibition at Fine Arts Gallery - Rowing Club - Giza 1998
- At Arts gallery in the Cultural Club - Egypt 2006
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition ` No for drugs and extremism` The Supreme Council of Sports and Youth 1990
- The National exhibition of Fine Arts - The Supreme Council of Sports and Youth 1990 -1993
- Exhibition of Superiors in Ras Al-Bar - Damietta 1990-1993
- Exhibition ` Egypt - Africa` 5th African Session 1990
- Exhibition of Association of Towards Art and Society - Faculty of Agriculture - Cairo University 1993
- Exhibition of Association of Towards Art and Society - Faculty of Engineering - Ain Shams University 1994
- Exhibition of Occasion of Celebrations of July revoltution - Arts gallery in the National Party - Cairo 1995
- Exhibition of Alumni of Faculties of Art Education - Cairo 1995
- Exhibition of the Kuwaitian Association of Fine Arts - Kuwait 1996,1997,1998
- Exhibitions of Teaching Staff of Faculty of Specify Education - Cairo University - Mubarak Library 1999
- The General Art Exhibition of the Kuwaitian Association of Fine Arts 2001
- Exhibition of Teachers Hobbies - Teachers Association - Kuwait 2002 , 2007
International exhibitions
- 4th Cairo Internatioanl Ceramics Biennale - Cairo 1994
- Caricature Festival - Turkey 1995
- 5th Cairo Internatioanl Ceramics Biennale - Cairo 1996
1- Administrative experience
- The participation in prepartion exams Committees in Faculty of Specify Education - Dokki - Cairo University
- Member of Control Committee of the 4th class in Faculty of Specify Education - Dokki - Cairo University
- Member of Jury Committee - Exhibition of teachers hobbies - Teachers Association - Kuwait 2007
2- Experiences in Fine Arts:
-The participation in prepartion and coordination many Fine exhibitions in Egypt and Kuwait
- The participation in prepartion some Solo exhibitions in the Supreme Council of Sports and Youth - Egypt
- Education Grand Mubarak area - Kuwait
- Symposium of the Kuwaitian Fine Artist/ Sami Mohamed - Center of Arts - Kazma Club
- Exhibition of Teachers hobbies -Teachers Association - Kuwait
Publications and activities
- Lecture about Child Art in Mubarak General Library - Giza 1999
- Workshop of Drawing on Glass for two weeks - Association of Social reformation 2002
- Lecture about the Egyptian Fine Movement - The Cultural Center in Kazma Club - Kuwait 2006
- Symposium about Reading of the Fine tableau with Fine Artist prof/ Mahmoud Abdel Aaty in Abdullah Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah Secondary 2005
- Book about epic in Fine Art ` Under print`
- Lectures about suits of Fine Arts and Critique
Local recognition
- 1st prize - Painting from Ministry of High Education - Egypt 1990
- 2nd prize - Painting - Ministry of High Education - Egypt 1994
- Encourgement prize - Ceramics - The Supreme Council of Sports and Youth 1992
- 1st prize - Ceramics - The Supreme Council of Sports and Youth 1993
- Certificates of Merit
- The Supreme Council of Sports and Youth - Egypt
- Ministry of High Education - Egypt
- Ministry of Culture - Egypt
- Faculty of Agriculture - Cairo University - Egypt
- The National Party - Egypt
International recognition
- Medal of liberation from Liberation exhibition of the Kuwaitian Association of Fine Arts 1999
- 3rd prize - Installation - Liberation exhibition of the Kuwaitian Association of Fine Arts 2000
- 2nd prize - Installation - Liberation exhibition of the Kuwaitian Association of Fine Arts 2001
- Prize of Liberation exhibition - Installation - The Kuwaitian Association of Fine Arts 2002
- Martyr prize - Sculpture - Martyr Office - Kuwait 2003
- Certificate of Merit from :
-The Kuwaitian Association of Fine Arts - Kuwait
- Teachers Association - Kuwait
- Martyr Office - Kuwait
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt - Kuwait - Germany - Italy - Turkey
State collection
- Ministry of Culture
- Ministry of High Education
- The National Party
- The Italian Global Coubsi Organization
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art - Cairo
- The Supreme Council of Sports and Youth - Cairo