Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed Fouad Al-Shazly Abdel Salam
Personal Data
Fame Name : Fouad Al-Shazly
Birth date : 10/5/1946
Place of birth : Qena
Date of death : 20/11/2023
Activities : Graphic - Print
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Architecture Department 1968
- Ex- Arts guide in United Arab Emirates
- Expert of Children Arts in Childhood centers in Al-Sharqa
Local exhibitions
-More than 100 Solo and Collective exhibition
-2nd Festival of Fine creation (31st General exhibition) 2008
- Exhibition`Mahrousa nights, September 2008
International exhibitions
- Exhibition of Education artists in Emirates 2007
Local recognition
- Prize of the Arab Population Day from League of Arab States 1980 - 1981
- Prize of Cairo Salon 1973
- Prize of the Mass culture 1968
- 2nd Youth exhibition in Al-Sharqa 1976
International recognition
- Prize of Al-Sheikh Khalifa 1984
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt and abroad
- Collection of Al-Sheikh Al Khalifa in Qatar
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art - Cairo
- Qatar Modern Museum
- Gamal Abdel Nasser museum
- The Military faculty in Egypt
- Ministry of Education and Teaching, Emirates
- Emirates association of Fine Arts