Curriculum Vitae
Barakat Saeed Mohamed Othman
Personal Data
Fame Name : Barakat Saeed
Birth date : 10/6/1964
Place of birth : Qena
Activities : Design
Email :

- BA of Arts and Education - Department of Art Education - Faculty of Education - Menia University 1989 .
- MA in Art Education - Design Section - Department of Art Education - Faculty of Specify Education - Ain Shams University 1998 .
- PhD in Phiolosphy of Art Education - Design Section - Department of Art Education - Faculty of Specify Education - Ain Shams University 2004 .
- Lectuer in the Department of Art Education - Faculty of Specify Education 1991.
- Assistant Instructor in the Department of Art Education - Faculty of Specify Education 1999 .
- Instructor in the Department of Art Education - Faculty of Specify Education 2004.
Places of interest
- Qena .
- Aswan .
- Luxor .
- Menia
Solo shows
- Exhibition entitle ` aesthetics of logo` - Faculty of Specify Education - South Valley University , March 2007 .
- Exhibition entitle ` aesthetics of logo` - Qena Culture Palace , June 2007 .
Local exhibitions
- Joint exhibition with Students of Art Education Department - Faculty of Education - Menia University 1987 .
- Joint exhibitions in Qus Culture Palace - Qena from 1989:1991 .
- Joint exhibition in Qena Culture Palace 2005 .
- 7th Pottery National Forum - Qena 2006 .
- Member of Evaluation and follow- up Committee - Quality Center in the Faculty .
- Member as a tranier in Training Center of Communication and Information Technology (ICT) South Valley University .
- Design some prints of the University ( University guide - Index of University) since 2003 till now .
- Participated in training teachers of Al-Azhar schools on development their Art skills in Fine Arts 2004 .
- Participated in training responsibles of Fine Arts in Youth Centers - Qena 2004 .
- Participated in development the Hertiage crafts ` Carpets` - Naqada - Qena 2005 .
- Design logo of the 2nd International Scientific Conference - South Valley University - Qena 2006
- Design logos of some Training centers in South Valley University ( ICDL - Communication and Information Technology ICT - Communication and Inforamtion Center CIC - Center of Development the Administrative Inforamtion systems MIS) - South Valley University - Qena 2006 - 2007
- Design logo of some faculties of South Valley University ( Faculty of Specify Education in Qena - Faculty of Education - Qena , Faculty of Science - Faculty of Arts - Faculty of Arts and Education in Aswan) 2007
- Design logo of the 2nd Week of Youth of University cities - South Valley University - Qena 2007
- Design logo of Qena Sporting Club 2007
- The participation in beautification sities of the Secuirty forec - Qena
- The participation in beautification South Valley University - Qena Branch
Publications and activities
- Many designs of individuals .
- Scientific Symposium about ( newness arts and what `s after newness) Effat Nagy and Saad Al-Khadiem Museum - Cairo 2006 .
- Book about Mural art - Books world 2007 .
Local recognition
- 1st position in competiion ` Wall tableaus` - University cities - Menia 1987 .
- 2nd position in Photographs competition - Menia - 1988 .
- Many Certificates of Merit - Certificate of Merit from Board of South Valley University 2007 .
State collection
- Faculty of Specify Education - Ain Shams University .