Curriculum Vitae
Mahmoud Mohamed M.Ramadan
Personal Data
Place of birth : Kuwait
Activities : Art Sponsors

- BA of Faculty of Art Education 1982 .
- MA in Art Education 1986 .
- PhD of Philosophy in Art Education - Art works and Hertiage Section 1994 .
- Member of ANESA ` Education by Art` .
- Member of League of Alumni of Art Education Faculty .
- Teaching Art works and Folk hertiage in Center of Society service ` Free studies` in Faculty of Art Arts 1995,1996,1997 .
- Instructor in Art works and Hertiage Department in Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University .
Solo shows
- Exhibition ` aesthetics rythms` at gallery of Faculty of Art Education 2003 .
- Exhibition ` Contemporary coinage of necklace` at Horus gallery in Faculty of Art Education 2007 .
- Exhibition `Fine debates - Harmonize` at Horus gallery in Faculty of Art Education , July 2007 .
- The participation in course to preparation Youth Alumni and Folk crafts by Environmental materials 2004,2005 .
- The participation in project of establishment database of the Egyptian Manual crafts - The Egyptian National Committee of Culture , Science and Education of UNESCO 2006 .
- The participation in the accompanied activity of the Festival of Arab Childhood - Helwan University 2007 .
- The participation in preparation and coordination the exhibitions in Faculty of Art Education and Specify and Teachers Faculties in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Sultan Qabous University .
Publications and activities
- The supervison on many thesis .
- The participation in workshop in training the artisans leaders on the Modern and Traditional ways in Leather works in the Arab area - Morocco Kingdom 1987 .
- Researcher in folklore - book ( Art works and Folk Hertiage) 1966 .
- The participation in workshops of Development the Creative skills of the Cultural leaders of the General Authority of Culture Palaces 1996 .
Local recognition
- won many prizes in Fine Arts field .
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt and abroad .