Curriculum Vitae
Ayman Mohamed M. Hassanien
Personal Data
Birth date : 26/1/1980
Activities : Painting
Email : ayman_sting @ , ,

BA of Computer and Management
Solo shows
- In Ismalia Culture Palace 2007
Local exhibitions
- Participated in all National and Local exhibitions of Ministry of Youth since 2001 till now
- Exhibition of the Egyptian Olympiad and activity Forums 2004 -2005 - Ismalia
- Exhibition of ceremony of police feasts - Police Academy 2005
- Exhibition `6×6` Ismalia Culture Palace 2005 -2006
Local recognition
- 1st regional ` Drawing` in the Festival of activities forums in Ismalia 2004,2005
- 3rd on the republic - The Creative competition in Advertisement 2005
- 3rd in the republic - Competition of police feasts in Advertisement 2005
- 2 Encouragement prizes from the Creative competition in Sculpture and Drawing 2005