Curriculum Vitae
Shaaban Eid Mohamed Rashed
Personal Data
Birth date : 31/1/1961
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Painting

- Diploma from the Industrial Secondary Schools .
- Member of Association of Al-Ghury artists .
- Member of the National Association of Fine Arts .
- Member of the General Union of Youth Labours .
- Electricity Technician in the Eastern company .
Solo shows
- In Union of Youth Labours .
- In Ministry of Youth .
- In Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy 2005 .
Local exhibitions
- In Ceramics Center - Al-Fustat City 2004 .
- In Arabesique Gallery 2005 .
- In Creation Center - Alexandria 2006 .
- Exhibition of Competition of work force ministry .
- Exhibition of 1st Spring Salon - Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy 2006 .
Local recognition
- 1st position on the level of companies 2005,2006 .
- 1st position in competition of Ministry of work force 2003,2005,2006 .
-1st position in competition of Mubarak achievements - Drawing 2005 .
Private collection
- At individuals in England , Kuwait and some galleries in Egypt .
- At holdings in some institutions and Galerhat and some businessmen from Egypt and abroad .