Curriculum Vitae
Nadia Gabrieel Sheehata Mowad
Personal Data
Birth date : 9/7/1953
Activities : Photography
Email :

BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting Department 1977
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of Association of Artists and Writers (Cairo Atelier)
- Member of Association Art companionship
- Member of Association of Al-Ghury artists
- Member of the National Association of Fine Arts
- Technical member in the General Administration of Foreign Information in the Foriegn Cultural relations since 1980
- C.onsultative Artists in Syndicate of Fine Artists
- consultative of Fine Arts in Academy of Culture , Arts and Science
- consultative of Fine Arts in Association ( Caritas Egypt)
Local exhibitions
- Participated in all exhibitions of Spring Salon
- All exhibitions of the National Association of Fine Arts
- All exhibitions of Association of Al-Ghury artists
- All exhibitions of Association of Art companionship
- All Ambulant exhibitions which held by the General Authority of Culture Palaces
- Design cover of book ` Nahg Al-Bourda` of Al-Imam Al-Bousary of Prof/ Youssef Shawky
- Design tapes covers - The Art history of composer/ Riyad Al-Sounbaty
- Design tapes cover - Isis and Osaris , Tunes of Aziz Al-Shouan
- Design tapes cover - Abu Simble of composer/ Aziz Al-Shouan
- Design tapes cover of Amira Kamel
- Design tapes cover - Music and Folk songs of Expert/ Tebru
- Design tapes cover entitle ` Solo of composer/ Sami Al-Shawa
- Design tapes cover entitle ` Al-Sahabagia` - Music/ Abdel Latief Gouhar
- Design tapes cover of composer/ Abdel Haliem Nouaira
- Design tapes cover of composer/ Gamal Abdel Rahim
- Design tapes cover of the Art history of Mrs./ Om Kalthoum
- Supervison on design and execute `posters` to works of 20 Pioneers Fine Artists
- Design and direction `Graphics` of the Library chronology 2002
- Design ,directing and execute `Graphics` - booklet ` Cleopatra adore peace` of Prof/ Mohamed Attman
- Design and directing `Graphics` of the Library chronology 2003
- Art supervison on the superior issue of `PRISM` magazine in occasion of centenaryof the Egyptian Museum , published by Arabic Language
- Design and directing `Graphics` of the Library chronology 2004
- Design and directing `Graphics` of the Private poster of Book Fair 2004
- Idea , design , directing and execute `Graphics` - Poster of immortal works in portrait of 20 Artists 2005
- Design , directing and execute `Graphics` - Booklet of the Music composition of the 2nd generation - Prof/ Samieha Al-Khouly , by english language 2005
-Design , directing and execute `Graphics` tapes cover - of the Music composition of the 2nd generation - Prof/ Samieha Al-Khouly , by english language 2005
- Idea , design , directing and execute `Graphics` - Mural chronology 2005 entitle `Art and Freedom`
- Design and execute `C.D` , `Graphics` of Prof/ Hassan Sharara
- Design and execute `Graphics` - Private poster of Book fair 2005
- Idea , Design and execute `Graphics` and write subject of Agenda 2006
- Idea , Design and execute `Graphics` Poster of immortal works in protrait of 20 artists
- Idea , Design and execute `Graphics` and write subject of Agenda 2007
- Design and execute `Graphics` of the published issue of `PRISM` by French Language 2007
- Edit the subject of `Coptic chronology` in the issue published by Arabic Lanaguage 2007
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt , Canada , England , America , Austria