Curriculum Vitae
Ahmed Hassan Hamed Belal
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ahmed Belal
Birth date : 15/2/1975
Activities : Graphic - Print
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BA of Art Education
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
Graphic designer in Cultural Development Fund - Ministry of Culture
- Specialist of Fine Arts - Fine Arts Sector - Ministry of Cultyre
- Press painter ( Caricature - Portrait - expressionism) and Graphic designer in Al-Anbaa Al-Dawlia and Crime newspaper
- Painter in Al-Khamies and Al-Osboua newspaper
- Work in Kareem Atelier of Caricaturest Sculpture - Zamalek
- Work in Americana company `Tarek Nour`
Local exhibitions
- The participation in Lucky look competition
- The participation in publication of Cairo International Festival of experimental Theatre in different sessions

- Member of Committee of the National Festival of the Egyptian Cinema
- Member of Evaluation Committees of field statues (Taha Hussien - Mahmoud Mukhtar - Abbass Mahmoud Al-Aqqad - Anwar Al-Saddat)
- Design decor of play ` Flood` - which displayed on the afloat theatre - Al-Manial - Al-Orkied Free Band
-Interior drawings and external cover of series of children books of Grand wrtiter/ Yaqoub Al-Sharouny
- Interior drawings and externatal cover of series of stores `my Grandmother` under print of the Kuwaitian writer/ Nermeen Al-Houty
- Cover of Publication of 12th Cairo International Festiavl of the experimental theatre
- Made Polster Statue of President/ Mohamed Hosni Mubarak in Insitute of preparing leaders in Helwan
- Interior drawings and external cover of series of stories related to the National Council of Woman
Publications and activities
.- Make Mural in Al-Nouras Nursery - Al-Abbassia
- The participation in team work in Atelier of Helwan University for 4 years, and made some works ( Mural oil painting , Relief , Polster)
- Make Caricature drawings in Book of 11thAswan International Symposium Festival of Sculpture
- Make titres of programme ` Kitchen of Si Al-Said of Osama Al-Said) by Caricature drawings Dream Channel
- Make drawings of programme `Stories of cats` - 6 Channel
- Make caricature mural in Daawa Cafe - Faysal Street
- Teaching Art and Fine Skills to childen in Child Creation Center - Al-Aini School
- The participation by free drawing with composer/ Hani Shounoda in Al-Sahimi House
State collection
- Alexandria Creation Center