Curriculum Vitae
Osama Al-Said Farag Abdel Rahaman
Personal Data
Fame Name : Osama Farag
Birth date : 28/2/1960
Place of birth : Al-Daqahalia
Activities : Graphic - Print
Email :

BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Cairo 1984
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists - Cairo - Decor 1903/862
- Member of Teachers Syndicate 1348417
- Founder member of Akhenaton Association - Dakriens
- Board member of Syndicate of Fine Artists in Daqahalia - Decor Section
- Design engineer in Beirut company in Kuwait 1986-1989
- Interior designer in Donia Organization of Decor and Decoration in Saudi Arabia 1990:1999
- Teaching Staff in Darkines Educational Administration - The Secondary Stage
-Al-Waleed Office manager of Decor in Dakrines
Places of interest
- Cairo - Mansoura - Dakriens
- Kuwait 1986 - 1989
- Saudi Arabia - M
Solo shows
- Exhibition `October victories` at Youth administration in Dakrines 1980
- Exhibition of the Mass Culture House in Dakrines 1981
Local exhibitions
- The 1st exhibition of Akhenaton Association in Dakrines 1981
- Exhibition of Akhenaton Association in Meniat Al-Nasr 1981
-7th Daqahalia Salon in Mansoura Culture Palace 2003
-From 8th till 11th Daqahalia Salon 2007
- Exhibition `Selections from Daqahalia Salon at the Circle gallery in Syndicate of Fine Artists - Cairo 2007
- At Al-Tazawq Palace in Sidi Gaber - Alexandria 2007
- تكليف من رئاسة مجلس مدينة دكرنس بتصميم والاشراف على تنفيذ عربة الزهور للمشاركة فى احتفالات اعياد الدقهلية بمناسبة العيد الوطنى للدقهلية من اعوام 2001 حتى 2007 .
- تكليف من رئيس مجلس مدينة دكرنس والمجلس المحلى بتصميم الحديقة العامة لمدخل المدينة من ناحية الكورنيش .
Local recognition
- Prize of Merit from Youth Salon in Cairo 1982
- Certificate of Merit from Board of Dakrines City 2000
- Certificate of Merit from Daqahalia Saon 2003-2007
- Certificate of Merit from Syndicate of Fine Artists 2007
- Honoring from Syndicate of Fine Artists in Daqahalia for the distinguished artists 2007
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt and abroad
- occasions palace in Al-Taief
- House of guide / Al-Said Al-Zouhairy in Dakriens
State collection
- Dakrines Educational Administration - Office of the general manager
- Secretary of the holy capital in Maka Al-Mokrama
- Museum of the Education and Teaching Divison - Daqahalia
- Museum of Dakrines Educational Administration