Curriculum Vitae
Nassiem Gergies Nassief
Personal Data
Fame Name : Nassiem Nassief
Birth date : 14/4/1939
Activities : Drawing

- Graduated from Lenorda Davinichi Institute of Fine Arts - Painting Department
- Member of Journalists Syndicate
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of the Egyptian Association of Caricature
- Worked as a Painter in Sameer and Mickey magazines in Dar Al-Helal Organization
- Editor and Painter in Al-Wafd newspaper
- worked in drawing in all the Arab and Egyptian Children magazine
- Drew series of books of many International and Egyptian publications
- Currently work as a Painter in Al-Wafd newspaper
Local exhibitions
- Festival of Fine Creations of Child , Palace of Arts , January 2006
- Participated in prepare and drew some episode of Caricature programme in the Egyptian Television
Local recognition
- Won some prizes