Curriculum Vitae
Ahmed Hassan Mohamed Al-Shafaae
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ahmed Al-Shafaae
Birth date : 22/6/1981
Activities : Sculpture
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Applied Arts - Sculpture and Restoration Department - Helwan University 2003
- assistance in teaching architectural workshops in the High Institute of Civil and architectural engineering - 15 May City ,2005
- Lecturer in the High Institute of Applied Arts - Academy of Art and Design - 6 October University
Local exhibitions
- Festival of Fine Creations of Child , Palace of Arts , January 2006
Publications and activities
- illustrative drawings in `Kalematna` magazine , issue 35 - November 2002
- Drawing depicted stories in Sameer magazine `Dar Al-Helal` 25/4/2003
- Drawing depicted stories in Al-Helal books of boys and girls 10/6/2004
- Drawing depicted stories in Louloua magazine ` Al-Ahram print`
- Drawing depicted stories and create characater in Semsem magazine `Al-Akhabar`
- Drawing depicted stories on `My novel` website
- illustrative drawings of Educational CD of the Egyptian Company of programming
- Drawing story board of Senergy company
- The participation in drawing walls of Children Club in Merit Hotel - Hurghadad
State collection
- Faculty of Applied Arts