Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed Nabil Hassan Ramadan
Personal Data
Birth date : 19/3/1986
Activities : Installation
Email :

A student at the Faculty of Fine Arts - 2nd stage - Painting , Alexandria University .
Local exhibitions
( Dismantling Bicaso ) exhibition , ACAF Gallery , Alexandria Forum for Contemporary Arts , 2006 .
-Exhibition as the out come of a workshop with Finter Harbelt with the idea of Art in Open Places , in association with 6 german students in Frankfurt and students from the Faculty of Fine Arts , Alexandria University .
- 1st Fine Creation Festival (18th Youth Salon) 2007
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation (19th Youth Salon 2008)
Publications and activities
-A workshop with Thomas Isler in ( shrort movies and camera ) .
-A workshop with Khristove in ( Layout techniques ).
-A workshop with the Dutch artist Ban Robert in ( Art in the Internet ) .