Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed Riyad Saeed Sawan
Personal Data
Fame Name : Riyad Saeed
Birth date : 28/10/1937
Place of birth : Cairo
Date of death : 7/5/2008
Activities : Painting

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting department 1964 - Cairo
- Studies of MA 1969 -1970
- Professorship certificate in Art from San Frenando Academy , Spain 1976
- Restoration diploma from San Frenando Academy of Fine Arts ,Madrid `Spain`
- Diploma of Mural painting from San Frenando Academy of Fine Arts , Madrid
- Diploma of Graphic from San Frenando Academy of Fine Arts , Madrid
-Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Lecturer in Painting department since 1964 -1976
- Instructor of painting and restoration since 1977 -1981
- Assistant professor of Painting and restoration since 1981 -1986
- Professor of Painting and restoration , Faculty of Fine Arts , Cairo
- Lend to Faculty of Main education , Authority of Applied education , Kuwait since 1992 till 2003
Places of interest
- Cairo - Spain
Solo shows
- Latiena gallery -Palma Di Mieorca - Spain 1973
- In Spain 1974
-Gallery of the Egyptian institute of the Islamic studies , Madrid, Spain 1976
- Salon of Mr. Aida Ayoub 1979
- Gallery of the Egyptian institute of the Islamic studies , Spain 1986
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of professors of Faculty of Fine Arts , Cairo 1964
- Exhibitiob of Revolution feasts , Cairo 1965
- Joint exhibitions since 1966-1968
-1st, 2nd, 3rd General exhibition of Fine Arts 1969,1970,1971
- Engraving exhibition at Akhenaton gallery , Zamalek , Cairo 1977
-16th Spring exhibition 1977
- Exhibition of Teaching authority in Faculty of Fine Arts , Cairo 1977
- Exhibition of 10th October 1977
- October exhibition at Arts Center , Zamalek - Cairo 1978
- Spring exhibition , Cairo 1979
- Spring exhibition, Alexandria 1979
- Art and Culture feast , October 1979
- At Salon of Mrs.Aid Ayoub 1980
- Spring exhibition , Cairo 1984
- Spring exhibition , Alexandria 1984
- 15th and 16th General exhibition of Fine Arts 1985,1986
- 3rd and 4th Generation exhibition of Faculty of Fine Arts - Cairo 1983
- Groups of Aida Ayoub gallery 1985
- Exhibition of 11 artist in the Italian Cultural Center , Cairo 1984
- Exhibition of the Personal image 1986 at the Italian Cultural Center , Cairo
-- Exhibition of the Egyptian surrealists 1995
International exhibitions
- Athens International Sports Biennale , Spain 1971
- Thargotha International Painting Biennale , Spain 1972
- 1st Biennale of Fine Arts , Madrid University 1972
- Exhibition of Mini images - Madrid , Spain 1972
- Leon Biennale , Spain 1973
- In Madrid 1974
- October exhibition at hall of the Egyptian Institute of the Islamic studies , Madrid 1975
- International exhibition `Khouan Mero` in Spain 1978
- 14th Alexandria International Biennale 1981
- Paris International Biennale 1981
- Yougoslavia International Biennale 1982
- The Egyptian Art in Spain 1983
- The Egyptian Art in the Western Germany 1984
- San Paulo International Biennale , Brazil 1985
Publications and activities
- Wrote many articles in Al-Shaab newspapers and Local magazines
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt, America, Spain , Germany, Argentina
State collection
- Museum of Faculty of Fine Arts - Cairo
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art
- Ministry of Culture
- Authority of Culture Palaces , Egypt