Curriculum Vitae
Bahaa el Din Amer abdel Hamid
Personal Data
Fame Name : Bahaa elDin Amer
Birth date : 2/12/1977
Place of birth : al-Gharbia
Activities : Painting
Email :

BA from Fcaulty of Art Education - Helwan University 2000
- Diploma from Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 2005
- Diploma and preliminary MA (restoration of monumets) , Cairo University 2003,2004
Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of Cairo Atelier
specialist of restoration in the Cultural Association of Aghakhan
Solo shows
Competition of the 1st private exhibition in Gezira Art Center 2006
- Solo Exhibition (invisible) in Cairo Atelier 2006
Local exhibitions
Exhibition ( Arts studiers) in Alexandria 1997
-Collective exhibition in Horus Gallery in the Faculty of Art Education 1999
- Dual exhibition (Art Attack) in Cairo Atelier 2004
- Rateb Sedek competition in Cairo Atelier 2005
- Festival ( The Fine Arabs) in Sakier Abdel Moniem al-Sawy 2005
-Exhibition ( For Lebanon) in Creation Gallery 2006
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation (18 th Youth Salon 2007)
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation (19th Youth Salon 2008)
Private collection
At individuals
State collection
- Ministry of Culture