Curriculum Vitae
Rasha Mohamed Othman al Taweel
Personal Data
Fame Name : Rasha al Taweel
Birth date : 23/10/1980
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Painting
Email :

BA from Faculty of Fine Arts- Graphic Department - Section of animated cartoon and Book Art - Helwan University
Graphic designer in Fine Arts Sector 2003
Local exhibitions
- Participated in a lot of the collective exhibitions in the Faculty 1999,2000,200
-Collective exhibition in Cairo Atelier 2002.
- 5th Exhibition of Alumni of Helwan University 2002
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation (18th Youth Salon 2007)
Local recognition
The Third Prize from Helwan University from Exhibition of its Alumni 2002.
Private collection
At some individuals inside Egypt and abroad