Curriculum Vitae
Samar Mohamed Salah elDin abdallah
Personal Data
Birth date : 14/11/1981
Activities : Painting
Email :

BA form the Faculty of Specifice Education , Cairo University , 2003 .
-MA Introductory ( Spacial Diploma ) 2004 : 2006 .
Worked at Window , private institution of manifacuring paper from planets and rice husk for use in Artistic Products .
- Comprehensive Care Association , art Specialist for Spacial needies and Shows organizer .
Local exhibitions
-Participated in group shows in College.
-Shows at Specifice Education Faculty , Cairo University .
-Staged A show for patient children works , Tumefaction Institution 2002 .
-At Comprehensive Care Association, for Special needy childern and adults works starting from 2004 up till today .
-1st Fine Creation Festival - 18th Youth Salon 2007 .
Publications and activities
A workshop Tumefaction Institution children works .
-Workshops at the Comprehensive Care Association , for children , special needies and adults .
Local recognition
A certificate of merit form Tumefaction Institution for voluntary work , organizing workshops and shows for the patient children , 2002 .