Curriculum Vitae
Aziza Fahmy
Personal Data
Fame Name : Aziza Fahmy
Birth date : //1941
Activities : Painting
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting Department - Alexandria University 1964 .
- She studied in the Arts Academy - Italy 1983 .
- Member of mosaic Contemporary Artists A.I.M.C in Italy .
- She worked in teaching then resigned for devotion to field of Coloured glass and mosaic .
Local exhibitions
- She participate in the Collective exhibitions since 1986 in mosaic Art .
- She staged exhibition of her works in mosaic in Al-Anfoshy Culture Palace in Alexandria 1986 .
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation ( The General Exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair 2007 ) .
Publications and activities
- She participated in conferences of Association of mosaic artists which held every 2 years.
Private collection
- She has many works of mosaic and colored glass at individuals in Cairo , Alexandria North Coast and Sinaa .