Curriculum Vitae
Essam Mohamed Hassab Abdel Qader
Personal Data
Fame Name : Essam Hassab
Birth date : 23/10/1961
Place of birth : Alexandria
Activities : Decor
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Decor Department ( Interior architecture) Alexandria University
- Member of Association BWAC of Fine Artists - New York
- Member of the Artists and writers Society - Alexandria Atelier
- Interior Designs and Decor works:
-1988 - 1995 : Free Designer of many shops., Furniter and villas
-1995-1996 Interior Designer in Zeinal Group Co.- Al-Serafi Group in Jeddah - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
-1996-1999 : Free Interior Designer in New York - Long Island - in United States of America
-1999 - 2005 Design and execute many Commercial shops like:
- 6 branches of Samlouty shops , 2 branches of Badr Fekry shops , 2 branches of Romano shops
-Cleopatra Bazar , Omar Al-Khaim for Oriental perfumes in Park Hiayat Hotel in Cairo , many shops in Green Plaza in Alexandria
- Design and execute many villas and apartements in Cairo and Alexandria
- works of propaganda and advertisment
-1988-1990 Graphic designer in Class Co. in Cairo
-1990 -1991Graphic designer in Top Co. in Cairo
-1991:1992 Grand designer in Cairo`s magazine - Cairo
-1992:1994 - Technical manager of Lark company - Cairo
-1994:1995 Free Graphic designer of Nile company of Food industries ` Dolce` - Cairo
-1995:1996 Technical manager of Saudi company of Inforamtion Development (SIDI) Jeddah - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
-1996:1999 Graphic designer in many companies in New York - Long Island - United States of America
-1999:2005 - Technical manager of many Advertising companies - Cairo
Places of interest
- Alexandia , Cairo
- Saudi Arabia
-United States of America (New York ) , London
Solo shows
- Exhibition entitle ` Al-Anfoshy boats` at `Abdel Salam Al-Sherif` gallery in Journalists Syndicate , February 2008
Local exhibitions
-Collective exhibition 1986 in Ymca association in Alexandria
- Collective exhibition 1988 The Spain Cultural Center in Alexandria
-1st Festival of Fine Creation (The General Exhibition (The General Exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair 2007)
-2nd Festival of Fine Creation (31st General exhibition) 2008
International exhibitions
- 1996-1999 his works displayed and sold in galleries (Soho) United States of America
- His works sold in Exhibition of Artexpo New York in Jacob Javits Center Gallery in New York
Publications and activities
- The prepartion and participation in many integral Advertising Compagines (newspaper , magazines and Radio and Television )
- He has many printed works in hotels and companies (Flayers - Poster - Annual reports - stickers)
- He has many Albums covers on Cassitte and CD
Private collection
- At individuals, Organizations and Banks ( Egypt - Saudi Arabia - United States of America)