Curriculum Vitae
Alaa Al-Dien Mohamed Hassan Abdullah Al-Turky
Personal Data
Fame Name : Alaa Al-Turky
Birth date : 27/2/1963
Place of birth : Cairo
Date of death : 20/2/2019
Activities : Painting

- Ph.D of Philosophy in Art Education - Painting Department 2000 .
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists - Painting 2470/715 .
- Member of Cairo Atelier .
- Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Art Education - Painting Department - Helwan University - Cairo .
Solo shows
- Exhibition of Teachers staff in the Faculty of Art Education .
- Exhibition ( Art and grant) May 2001 .
- Solo exhibition entitled ( Between past and present) May 2005 .
- Solo exhibition entitled ` Egyptian roots` March 2006 .
- Exhibition in Biekar Hall in the Syndicate of Journalists , November 2006 .
Local exhibitions
- He participated in all the General and Collective exhibitions since 1986 till now.
- He participated in Youth Salon since its first session 1989 till 9th session 1997 .
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation ( The General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair 2007).
- He participated in execute the mural works of Al-Mehawar Association in the International Conferences Hall .
- He participated in project ` Bus of Fine Art` related to Fine Arts Sector .
- Head of Jury Committees of many Solo competitions in Pioneers Sector and Youth Centers in Al-Sahel Youth Center and Helmiet Al-Zeitoun in Cairo .
Publications and activities
- Workshop` We create in Palace of Arts) April 2002 .
- Workshop` Panorama of my beautiful country` 2003 .
- 1st workshop of Museum Education parallel to 1st Exhibition of Spontaneous Art 2002 .
- Workshop accompaniment to exhibition ( We create for Children) February 2006.
- Workshop of Children from (13:18 year) in the Ministry of Youth and Sport - Pioneers Sector - March 2006 .
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt and abroad .
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art - Cairo .
- International Conferences Hall - Nasr City .
- Fine Arts Sector .
- Helwan University .