Curriculum Vitae
Mona Ali Hassan Ibrahim
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mona Hassan
Birth date : 13/1/1960
Place of birth : Suez
Activities : Painting
Email :,
Web Site :

- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists .
- Member of Cairo Atelier .
- Free artist work in the field of Painting, Jewelry, Decor and Drawing on Wood (Furniture) .
- Manager and Owner of Mona Hassan Atelier and Gougan Gallery of Art and `Our Arts Booklet` Magazine .
Places of interest
- Suez (Port Tawfik)
- England - Nigeria - Ireland - America - Spain - Yougoslavia
Solo shows
- In Ireland 1986
- In Rome - Italy 1989
- In Spain 1993
- In Germany 1981
- In Saudi Arabia 1992
- In Sheraton Heliopolis 1993
- In Germany 1995
- Cairo exhibition 1999
- At Criticism and Creation Center in Alexandria 2001,2002
- In Ahmed Shawky Museum (Karma Iban Hanee) 2001,2003,2005
- At Gougan Gallery 2005,2006
- At Cairo Atelier, April 2007
- At Gougan gallery , Zamalek , April 2009 .
Local exhibitions
- In Mahmoud Saeed Museum in Alexandria 2000,2002
- In Ahmed Shawky Museum (Karma Ibn Hanee) 2000,2003 .
- At Gougan Gallery , May 2006
- At Gougan Gallery in Heliopolis 2007
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation (The General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair 2007)
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation (31st General exhibition) 2008
- Exhibition`Artists without limits` at Cairo Atelier, October 2008
- Exhibition(New horizons) at Gougan gallery , Zamalek , November 2008
- Exhibition` Contemporary Egyptian painting 1` at exhibitions galleryy , Karma Ibn Hanee Cultural Center, Ahmed Shawky museum, Match 2009 .
- Founder member of Association of Artists without limits - Belguim .
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Ireland , Germany and Spain