Curriculum Vitae
Mohsen Abdallah Selim
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mohsen Selim
Birth date : 24/8/1972
Place of birth : Al-Daqahalia
Activities : Painting
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Specify Education - Mansoura University 1994
- High Studies Diploma in Art Education - Painting - Mansoura University 1996
- High Studies Diploma in Folk Arts - Arts Academy 1999
- MA in Folk Arts - Arts Academy 2004
- Teacher of Art Education
- He teach Applied methods in the Faculty of Specify Education - Art Education Section since 1995 till 2000
Places of interest
- Cairo
Local exhibitions
- All the Local exhibitions in the Faculty of Specify Education - Mansoura University since 1990 till 2000
- 8th Youth Salon 1996
-3rd Nile Salon of Mini Works of Art 1999
International exhibitions
- The Private exhibition of the members of the Saudi Art House Forum - Marrakesh - Morcco 2005
Private collection
- In Furniture Designer Company of Decor Arts - Cairo - Rome - Nicosia
-At individuals in Cairo - Alexandria - kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Jeddah)
State collection
- Ministry of Culture
-Opera House
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art