Curriculum Vitae
Maissoun Mohamed Qotob Abdelal
Personal Data
Fame Name : Maissoun Qotub
Birth date : 9/9/1974
Place of birth : Giza
Activities : Graphic - Print
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Applied Arts - Advertisment Department - Helwan University 1996 .
- MA in Advertisment - Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University 2000 .
- Ph.D of Philosphy in Advertisment - Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University 2004
- Member of the Syndicate of Applied Arts Designers - 5982 Advertisment .
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists 697/3959 Graphic
- Member of Association of Human and Technology Development .
- Member of Alumni of Faculty of Applied Arts
- Member of Association of Fine Arts Lovers in Maadi .
- She worked as a Designer in Computer and Graphic Unit in The Information and Decision Support Center of the Council of Ministers from June to December 1996.
- Lecturer in Adverstisment Department - Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University - December 1996
-Assistant Professor in Advertisment Department - Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University - October 2000 .
- Professor in the Advertisment Department - Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University - March 2004 .
- Teaching to Youth Alumni in the period from 2004:2005
- Teaching in the field of Free studies 2006 .
Places of interest
- Cairo .
- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ( Riyadh - Maka al-Moukrama .
Solo shows
- Triple exhibition entitled ` Optical Tunes` in Studio 206 Gallery in Maadi - December 2005
- Joint fivefold exhibition entitled ` touchs` in the Circle Hall in the Syndicate of Fine Artists in the Egyptian Opera House - February 2006
-Triple exhibition ( Vision - Abstraction) in the Exhibition Gallery in the National Council of Youth - August 2006
- Exhibition ` From Hertiage`s Inspiration` in Al-Mustaqabal Library - Heliopolis Services Association - January 2007
- Exhibition (Light and shadow) in prince taz palace - Citadel 2007
- At gallery of the Musician Library , Opera 2008
- At `Engy Aflatoun` gallery in Cairo Atelier , March 2008
- Exhibition` Heritage vision` at Alexandria Creation center , April 2009
Local exhibitions
- Participated in many exhibitions which organized by Helwan University
- Exhibition ( Arabic Calligraphy) in Helwan University 1993
- Exhibition in the Exhibitions Gallery in the Faculty of Applied Arts 1994
- Exhibition ( The Arabic Calligraphy) in Helwan University 1995
- Exhibition ( Calligraphy and Fine Art) in Faculty of Law - Cairo University 1995
- Exhibition ( Fine Art) in Faculty of Arts - Cairo University 1995
- The accompained exhibition of the 1st National conference of marketing the University services 1998
- Exhibition of Teaching Staff accompanied to the 9th Conference of Faculty of Applied Arts - May 2005
- Supervison on exhibition (Advertisment Arts) - Gallery of the Grand Show - Faculty of Applied Arts - June 2005
- Supervison on exhibition (Advertisment Arts 2) - Advertising Department - River Gallery in Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy - August 2005
- 1st Graphic and Ceramics exhibition of the Woman Committee in the Circle Hall - Syndicate of Fine Artists - Opera - February 2006
- Exhibition of members Staff occompained to the 2nd Scientific Conference of Environment - Helwan University - February 2006
- The Exhibition accompanied to symposium ( Arabic Language is my Mother tongue) in the gallery of studio 206 - Maadi - March 2006
- Teaching staff exhibition in occassion of `Week of environment` - in the Grand Show gallery - Faculty of Applied Arts - March 2006
- The exhibition of Teaching Staff accompanied to the 7th symposium to employment of University alumni - Helwan University - March 2006
- Exhibition of Mother and Child in the Grand Show gallery - Semiramis Hotel - March 2006
- 1st Sculpture and Painting exhibition related to the Woman Committee in the Circel Hall - Syndicate of Fine Artists - Opera House - April 2006
- Exhibition in the Circle hall - Syndicate of Fine Artists - Opera House - in the period from (2003:2006) June 2006
- Exhibition of Youth Fair - Conference Center - Nasr City - June 2006
- Exhibition of the distinct works of Teaching Staff members - Helwan University - June 2006
- The participation in Youth Atelier - The National Council of Youth - August 2006
- 6th Nile Salon of Photography 2007
- Exhibition of Egyptian Female artists in Prince taz palace , April 2008
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation (31st General exhibition) 2008
- Exhibition` Celebration of the 3rd Millienium , Luxor 2008
-3rd Spring Salon ,Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy , April 2008
-At museum of Fine arts, Alexandria, May 2008
- Exhibition`Colored creations` at the Egyptian Center of the International Cultural co-operation (The Foreign diplomats) - The Egyptian association of Photography, June 2008
- Exhibition `Photographic vision` at the Grand gallery of exhibitions in the Russian Center of Culture and Science - The Egyptian association of Photography, June 2008
-1st Private exhibition of the artists who held their first private exhibition from 1st July 2006 till 30th June 2008 at Geizira Arts Center , October 2008
- At the Circle gallery in Syndicate of Fine Artists, Opera 2009
International exhibitions
- 5th Egypt International Triennale of Graphic - Palace of Arts -The Egyptian Opera House - Cairo - February 2006 .
- The participation in the Art Print Fair ( Art for All) parallel to 5th Egypt International Triennale of Graphic Art - Salama Gallery - Cairo - February 2006 .
- 5th Egypt International Triennale of Graphic - Museum of Fine Arts - Alexandria -April 2006 .
- The participation in the Art Print Fair ( Art of All) parallel to 5th Egypt International Triennale of Graphic - Dega Gallery - Alexandria - April 2006 .
- The International exhibition (photo Egypt) 2007 .
- 5th Arab Festival of Photograph , Jordan 2007 .
- 1st International competition of Photography on Internett entitle` Human rights` 2007
- 3rd and 4th International Alexandria Atelier Salon of Youth , Alexandria 2008 .
- The design of many posters of Conferences organized by Helwan University
- Design some Commercial signs of some of the Private and Governemental Organizations
- Design some of Book covers and printed
- Design Logo of peace Gallery of Arts in Maadi
-Design Logo of the National Council of Youth , The World Day of Volutneering
- Design poster about audio and visual pollution within a environment week activities of the Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs
- Joinig the project of Argonoumia Information Center in the Faculty of Applied Arts 2006
Publications and activities
- The participation by published scientism researches in 7 Local and International Conferences and writting many researches in some University magazines
- The participation by researches in some scientism magazines like:
- Magazine of Helwan University
- Arts and Science Magazine
- Magazine of Cairo University
Local recognition
- Many Encouragment prizes and Certificates of Merit in Design field and the participation in the Art exhibitions
- Certificate of Merit in the field of Arabic Calligraphy - Helwan University 1993
- 2nd prize in Suzan Mubarak Competition of Children books design 1994
- Certificate of Merit on Design ( Pledges for disabled flood disaster ) Helwan University 1994
-Certificate of Merit in exhibition ( Fine Art) - Faculty of Arts - Cairo University 1995
-Certificate of Merit in exhibition ( Calligraphy and Fine Art) - Faculty of Law 1995
-Encouragment prize in field of Advertsiment design in Competition ( No for Pollution) - Helwan University 1995
- Encouragment prize in the field of Arabic Calligraphy - Helwan University 1995
-Academic excellence award of The early Art college from Association of the artists and writers media Giza 1996
- 1st Position in Competition `Design logo of the National Council of Youth) March 2006
-1st Position in Competition ( Design posters in the field of audio and visual pollution within a environment week activities of the Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs - May 2006
-1st Position in Competition ( Design Logo of the World Day for volunteering - December 2006
- Encouragement prize in competition of logo design of the 7th World championship of Couch 2008
- 2nd position in competition of Post design - Ministry of the International co-operation 2008
- 2nd position in competition of Logo design of Helwan governorate - Helwan University 2008
International recognition
- Creation prize of the African Youth 2008 .
Private collection
- At individuals inside Arab Republic of Egypt .
State collection
- 15 May Museum of the Contemporary Arts .