Curriculum Vitae
Magdy Youssef Iskandar
Personal Data
Fame Name : Magdy Youssef
Birth date : 22/7/1936
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Social and Psychology Science - Psychology Department - Ain Shams University 1960
- Preliminary Studies of Ph.D in Psychology which equilibrium MA in Germany 1962
- Ph.D in Sociability and Philosophy of Art from Bachum University in Germany , October 1975
- Member of the Egyptian Association of Fine Art Critics
- Member of Egypt`s writers Union 1990
- Visitor professor of comparative Art in Cairo University
- Head and Founder of the International Association of Intercultural Studies (IAIS) in Bermien University in Germany
- Since 1963 till 1971 the Head Editor of ( Think and Art) Magazine in Germany in cooperation with the Late Famous German ( Animary Shemal)
- Currently He edit in cooperation with the Germany Fine Critic ( Andrias Fayland)
- He appointed professor of comparative Art in the Faculty of Arts in Colonia University since 1968 till 1971
- Then appointed in Rome Bachum University to teach the Modern Contemporary Arab Civilization on a comparative base ( with the Arab Hertiage from a side ,and the Foreign Cultures from the other side) till 1977
- Then he worked as Visitor professor in Tanta University in 1979 in Social and Philosphy Departments and at the same time he was a supervisor on High Studies Students in Bachum University in Germany
- Teach the Social psychologic of interaction between cultures in the Faculty of Social Science in Bachum University till the end of 1981
-Then in 1983 , he worked a visitor professor in the High Institute of Art criticism in the Arts Academy in Cairo till 1984
- Visitor professor in the Department of Art Philosphy in the Arts University in Belgrad 1985
- In 1990 visitor professor of Social and Philosphy of Art in the Faculty of Fine Arts in Dublin - Ireland
- In 1991 choosed as Consultant to edit ` Lines` Magazine , Cairo - London where published in it many Critic articles in the Fine Art Field
- Visitor professor in the History of Art Department in Deplin University which famous by ` Trinity College Dublin 1991
International exhibitions
- Exhibition of the Contemporary Egyptian Art in Masqat - The Culture Capital of the Arab World 2006
- In 1965 he founded studies of Contemporary Arab Culture and Art in Colonia University
- During 80s he assigned from Faculty of Architecture in Akhen University in Germany as a Joint supervisor on the Philosphy Knowledge Side of the architecture aestheticism in some thesis in architecture field `The 3rd World`
- Member of Jury Authority of Qartag Play Festival in Tunisia 1995
- He chosen as Commassaire of the Egyptian Fine Arts exhibition in `Hong Kong` 2005 ,and its date postponed for art reasons
- Commassaire of the Egyptian Fine Art exhibition in Masqat , the Cultural Capital of the Arab World , May 2006
Local and international Who's Who
- note about his biography and works mentioned in the National encyclopedia of Egypt`s charaacters , produced by Inforamtion Authority since its first issue 1989
- The Middle East encyclopedia published from A.Sh.A
- Who is Who in Asian Studies (Hong Kong)
Publications and activities
- He has published writings by 6 European Languages plus Arabic , where he write by three Foreign langauges ` German , French , English`
- His works translated to Italian Language in Lasbeneza University in Rome and to Portgalian in the scientism Journal of Sau Paulo University in Brazil , and to Ireland Language in Kour - The Head Culture Magazine in Dublin
- In 1962 published for him , from his translation and presentation to play of the Late German Author / Foulfagang Bourshart` and presented in 4 Arab countries `Iraq, Tunisia, Lebanon, and Egypt
- `UNESCO messgae` Magazine published for him in its issue in July 1993, subject about `Mahmoud Mukhtar` in occassion of celebration by his centenary in its issues which published in 33 language
- The most important books by Arabic Language:
- `infront the door` of the German Author ` Folfgang Bourshart`- Translation and presentation -1962
- School architecture in Germany ( Translated from German language)1965
- The Civilzed interaction - about the International Association of Intercultural Studies, published by Arabic, English , Germany - and Currentlt Electronic Bachum 1983
- The Civilzed interaction and intellectual independence ( The General Authority of Book) 1993
- From the Interaction and Civilzed reaction - Al-Helal Book 2001
- Critic battels - Family Library - Cairo 2003
- He has many Fine articles and studies which published in newspapers like Al-Ahram , Cairo newspaper
- He has two electronic magazines by many European languages on the Internet has the following websites
- art-in - society .de ( Art in the Society) which present in it the Global Fine contributions for the modernizer Arab Artists.
- intercultural ( studies of the Civilzed interaction , The International Association of Intercultural Studies - which founded by Magdy Youssef in Bremin University in Germany
- Books by the Foreign languages:
- The psychological analysis to capacity Brakhat Theatre in Egypt - Bachum 1979
- The Myth of European Literature , Roterdam 1998 (English)