Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed M.Ali Abu Ahmed
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mohamed Ali - Mohamed Abu Ahmed
Birth date : 22/6/1963
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Art Sponsors

- BA of Faculty of Education and Science - Section of Wooden industries - Helwan University 1988
- MA in Art Education - Section of Wood works - Faculty of Specify Eduaction - Ain Shams University
- Ph.D of Philosphy in Specify Education - Art Eduaction (Wood works) - Facultyof Specify Education - Ain Shams University 2002
- Member of Teachers Syndicate
- Member of Association of the Natural protectorate Lovers
Places of interest
- Cairo (Al-Naam district - Ain Shams)
Solo shows
- Exhibition entitled ( Wooden intonations) in Oan Gallery - Faculty of Specify Education - Ain Shams University 2004
- Exhibition ( Wood works between past and present `Think and Art`) in Abdel Salam Al-Sherif Hall in the Syndicate of Journalists , June 2005
- Exhibition (inlaying the wooden works between Contemporary and Originality) in Hours (1) Hall in the Faculty of Art Education , April 2006
Local exhibitions
- The participation in the exhibitions which staged by the faculty in the Art Education Department from 1993 till now
- Exhibition ` Marketing` in Hosting House - Ain Shams University 2004
- Exhibition entitled` Jungles and Natural protectorate ---- Future - Present ----- Past) staged in Ministry of Environment in Al-Fustat - Environmental Cairo House 2004
- The Supervison on thesises in Art Education Department and wood works in the Faculty of Specify Education and Faculty of Education - Ain Shams University
Publications and activities
- Workshop of inlaying with shell in Al-Salam Culture Palace - Ministry of Culture 2004
- Workshop of inlaying with shell - The General Authority of Culture Palaces - Fayum Culture Palace - April 2004
- Workshop entitled ( Jungles and Natural protectorate --- Future ----- Present ----- Past) which held in Ministry of Environement in Al-Fustat - Environmental Cairo House 2004
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit from the General Authority of Culture Palaces - The Central Adminstration of Researches and studies for his supervison on the Art workshop in the filed of inlaying by shell in Al-Salam Culture Palace - March 2004
- Certificate of Merit from Fayum governorate in occassion of establishing workshop of inlaying by shell in Fayum Culture Palace 2004
-Certificate of Merit from the General Authority of Culture Palaces - The Central Adminstration of Researches and Studies for his great effort in supervison on the Art workshop in the field of inlaying od shell in Fayum Culture Palace, April 2004
- Thanks letter from the General Authority of Culture Palaces - Fayum Culture Palace in occassion of organizing the Art workshop in the filed of inlaying by shell in Fayum Culture Palace 2004
- Thanks letter from the Specify Services Centers for the Unique participation in the training programe of guides and teachers of Art Education in East Nasr City Educational Adminstration in the period from 6-8 December 2005
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt
State collection
- Faculty of Specify Education - Ain Shams University