Curriculum Vitae
Al-Said Ramadan Abu Al-Fotouh Saad
Personal Data
Fame Name : Al-Said Ramadan Abu Al-Fotouh Saad
Birth date : 1/4/1944
Place of birth : Al-Daqahlia
Activities : Painting

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Decor Department - Alexandria University 1973
- High Studies Diploma ( Art Education) Faculty of Specify education - Meit Ghamr - Al-Daqahlia 1995
- Working member in the Syndicate of Fine Artists 1999/903 - Decor Section from 1973 till now
- Painter in the company of faience and ceramics (Sculptor Fathi Mahmoud in Egypt) from 1962:1967 in Haddek Shoubra - Egypt
- Geometric painter in Alexandria company of portland (Alexandria) from 1967:1970
- Geometric painter in the Egyptian company of Shoes (Bata) Alexandria from 1970:1973
- interior designer in the Egyptian company of Shoes ( Mansoura) from 1973:1975
- Teacher of Art education - Meit Ghamr Religious Primary and Secondary Institute from 1975:1977
- interior designer - Libya from 1977:1985
- Teacher of Art Education in Mansoura from 1986 :1989
- Teacher of Art Education in Saudi Arabia from 1989:1993
- Teacher of Art Education in AL-Faysalia National School - Riyhad (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) 1993:1994
- Teacher of Art Education in King Khaled Military City - Saudi Arabia from 1995:1998
- Teacher in Al-Houda and Al-Nour Private School in Mansoura
- Currently on pension
Places of interest
- Al-Senbalawien ( Al-Daqahalia)
- Cairo from 1962-1967
- Alexandria from 1967 - 1973
- Mansoura from 1973-1975
- Meit Ghamr (Al-Daqahalia) from 1975 -1977
- Libya (Tripoli) from 1977-1985
- Mansoura 1987 -1989
- Saudi Arabia (Riyhad) 1989-1994
- Saudi Arabia Hafr Al-Batien 1995-1998
- Mansoura from 1998 till now
Solo shows
- Solo exhibition in the Exhibitions Gallery in Mansoura Culture Palace 2005
- Exhibition in (Shadow) Gallery in Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy - August 2006
Local exhibitions
- Collective exhibition entitled ( Sinai Peace and Development ) Cairo - Oil painting 1998
- 4th Daqahlia Salon of Fine Arts in Mansoura Culture Palace 2000
- 9th Daqahlia Salon of Fine Arts in Mansoura 2005
- Exhibition of 11th Daqahlia Salon of Fine Arts in Mansoura National Museum - March 2007
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit from Mansoura Girls Religious Institute - 1986-1987
International recognition
- Certificate of Merit from the General Administration of Education in Riyhad in the Exhibition of the Art Activity ( Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) 1414 H
- Certificate of Merit of the Ministry of Aviation and Defense - The North Area - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 1416/1417 H