Curriculum Vitae
Sohair Ali Youssef Al-Gouhary
Personal Data
Fame Name : Sohair Al-Gouhary
Birth date : 4/2/1937
Place of birth : Damietta
Activities : Painting
Email : òò

- Diploma from the Private Institute of Art Education
- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting Department - Helwan University 1976
- Education Diploma 1976
- Member of Fine Art Association in the Social Service Center in Al-Qutief
- Member of the Woman forum of the Fine Art Association in the Center - Al-Qutief
- Member of Art Group Association in Al-Khobar
- Member of the Fine Art Association in the State of Arab Emirates
Solo shows
- 1st Solo exhibition in Al-Qutief 1422 H -2002
- 2nd Solo exhibition (Journey) Riyhad 1424 H- 2003
Local exhibitions
- The 1st exhibition of Artists of Fine Art Association 1999
- Exhibition ( Masks of imagination) in Sheraton 2000
- 2nd Festival of Fine creation (General exhibition and 1st Fine art Fair) 2007
International exhibitions
- Exhibition of presidency of teaching girls since 1400 till 1416 H- Saudi Arabia
- 2nd Fine exhibition of Artists of Studio of Sihat Association of the Social Services in the Hall of Youth Care office - Al-Damam - the East Area - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 1419H
- Exhibition (Experiences Art Group) in Al-Boustan Village - Al-Khobar - November 2000,2002,2004 - Saudi Arabia
- 5th exhibition of Al-Qutief artists on the Hall of the Social Service Center 2000, 6th 2001- Saudi Arabia
- Participated in exhibition about Intifada - Riyhad - Saudi Arabia 2001
- 3rd exhibition of Female Fine Artists in Riyhad - Saudi Arabia 2002
- Exhibition (Memory) of the Fine Art Association in Al-Qutief - Al-Sharqia Festival - Saudi Arabia 2002
- 17th Exhibition of acquistions in Jeddah 2004
- Exhibition ( Experiences Art Group) in Al-Boustan Village - Al-Khobar - November 2004 - Saudi Arabia
- 3rd exhibition of the Fine Artists of the Art forum in Al-Qutief 2004
- Exhibition (Islam is peace) Course of the Islamic Unit in Jeddah 2005
- 19th exhibition of Fine Artists of Al-Qutief Studio - Saudi Arabia 2005
- Exhibiton of Baha competition 2006
- Exhibition of Al-Qatief Fine Festival 2007
- Preapation and organize the Art exhibitions and booklets in presidency of teaching girsl in Al-Qutief , Siehat , Al-Damam
Publications and activities
- Course in industry of Ceramics and pottery for a year 1970
- Workshop in the educational aids Center in Al-Damam 2002
- Center of the Central Workshops in Al-Damam 2003,2004
- Course to prepare governess in Sihat 2002,2003,2004,2005
Local recognition
- He gained many Certificates of Merit and Medals
-Honory prize in exhibition of Embassdor competition
International recognition
- Prize of the 4th level in competition ( Islam is peace) of the Islamic Unit in Jeddah 2005
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt, India , America
State collection
- The Royal palaces in Saudi Arabia , India , America , Egypt