Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed Ibrahim Aqouba
Personal Data
Fame Name : Aqouba
Birth date : 3/10/1930
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Painting
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - architecture Department - Helwan University 1955
- Member of engineers Syndicate
- Member of Writers and Artists Society (Cairo Atelier)
- Member of Association of Fine Arts Lovers
- Member of Association of Coptic Hertiage Lovers
- Engineer in Museums Administration in Ministry of Tourism 1964
- Delegated architecture to Algeria Republic for 20 years till 1975
- Opened his own Engineering office in Algeria till 1982
- worked in his private office in Cairo as a Consultant architecture
Free artist since 1990 till now
Places of interest
- Cairo , Algeria
- Long visits to Spain - France - england
- Passing visits to Italy - Netherlands - Yougoslavia
Solo shows
- Staged 4 exhibition in Algeria like exhibition in Wahran 1972
- staged 3 exhibitions in Mamiorca
- Exhibition (Beautiful Cairo) in the Modern Gallery in the building of Al-Ahram newspaper 2005
- Exhibition (Beautiful Cairo) in Cairo Atelier - March 2006
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of the National Association of Fine Arts - January 1961
- Exhibition (Fine Art) of architects at the Grand show gallery in Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan University - December 1994
- Exhibition ` architectural vision of Fine arts` at Fine Arts gallery , Opera House , January 1998
- Exhibition of Cairo University of Arts at Al-Hanager gallery , Opera House , October 1998
- Exhibition of Cairo University of Arts at Shamoua gallery - June 2000
- Exhibition of architects at Shamoua gallery - Maadi, May 2001
- Exhibition `Fine vision by architectural eyes` in Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy , Zamalek , January 2004
- 4th Exhibition of Artists lovers of Coptic hertiage - March 2005
- Exhibition ` Atelier Salon` at Cairo Atelier - September 2005
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation (31st General exhibition) 2008
- Delegated to participate in establishment Al-Awaras Hotel - Algeria
Private collection
- At individuals in Algeria - Morocco - Spain - France - Ireland and Egypt