Curriculum Vitae
Ehab Magdy Riyad
Personal Data
Birth date : 16/8/1968
Activities : Photography
Email :

- BA of Commerce - Cairo University 1989
- Member of the Egyptian Association of Photography
Local exhibitions
- Participated in many exhibitions which held by the Egyptian Association of Photography inside Egypt in Co-operation with Ministry of Culture in Ismalia and Roud Al-Farag Culture Palace and exhibitions which held in Documentary and Books House
- Photo Egypt exhibition 1999 -2001
- 3rd Nile Salon of Photogarphy 2001
- Creation exhibition in Geothe Institute
- Exhibition ( Light Creations) in Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy
- Exhibition ( Sights from here and there) in Talaat Harb Library
- Exhibition ( Qahariet Al-Moeiz) in Cairo Grand Library - Zamalek
- Exhibition ( Lense and Artist) in the gallery of the Syndicate of Fine Artists 2002
- Exhibition ( aesthetics of the Egyptian Civilization ) The Musician Library 2003
- 5th Nile Salon of Photogarphy 2004
- The Annual exhibition of the Egyptian Association of Photography ( Historical vision) in the Egyptian Center of the International Cultural Co-operation 2005
Local recognition
- Won many prizes from exhibitions of the Egyptian Association of Photography
- 4th prize colors 1988
- 1st prize in exhibition ` Shadows` The Russian Cultural Center 2000
- 2nd prize from exhibition `Houses of Egypt` in the gallery of the Syndicate of Fine Artists 2001
-Encourgment prize in exhibition ` Light Creations` 2002
- Encourgment prize in exhibition `Artisans` The Russian Cultural Center , January 2004