Curriculum Vitae
Alaa Abdel Wahab Al-Hallougi
Personal Data
Fame Name : Alaa Al-Hallougi
Birth date : 5/1/1965
Place of birth : Al-Daqahalia
Activities : Painting

- BA of Law 1998
- High Studies Diploma in critique 1993 and Folklore 1996 - Arts Academy - Cairo
- Worked as painter in Roselyoussef magazine , Al-Watan Al-Arabi newspaper , Al-Qahaira newspaper 1996
Local exhibitions
- Participated in many Collective exhibitions in Painting
- 4th Port Said National Beinnale 1998
- 7th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2004
- He designed clothes of many Floklore bands from 1999-2004
Publications and activities
- His works published in Al-Qahaira magazine in 3 albums 1996
Local recognition
- 3rd prize in Naguib Mahfouz competition from Minister of Culture ( Oil Painting) 1989
- 1st Prize in Design clothes - Ministry of Culture 2004